Class is recorded and available until 10/11/24. A transcript is also provided.
<aside> 💥 SIGN UP HERE: *Class is $44
you’ll have access to the class page with the link to the streaming recording and transcript as soon as you sign up*
Shader Prototyping is a two hour class on zoom covering shader workflow and tools: how to go from nothing → a sketch → something you can ship. This class is my daily professional workflow — what I wish I’d known when I started writing shaders 12 years ago. There will be valuable insight for both novice and more advanced shader programmers.
The creations we make can be ported anywhere, so the skills you learn will be portable to any platform or framework, like Unity, Three.js, TouchDesigner, OpenFrameworks, Processing, etc.
<aside> 💫
🏄 Workflow
🌀 Pipeline and passes
🌀 Types of passes: 2D vs 3D
🌀 Passes as building blocks
🌀 Composition of a pipeline
🛠️ Tools
🌀 glslViewer
🌀 Lygia
<aside> 💫 🛠 Debugging: Failing as part of the process
🌈 Porting, Cross Compatibility, and Optimization
➡️ these concepts are more complex, but there will be some basic and useful guidelines.
<aside> ➡️ Patricio Talks a Lot
SHADER PROTOTYPING is based on Patricio’s personal experience, tools, and workflows. It is less interactive and more of an 🧠 organized brain dump 🧠 .
<aside> ➡️ Q & A The recording ends with a q & a, and all links, ideas, and resources mentioned in class, along with the class chat, are shared in a collaborative resource library.
Patricio González Vivo is the coauthor of The Book of Shaders and creator of the PixelSpirit deck, an artist and Technical Art Director with more than 10 years of experience working at the forefront of computer graphics through projects that combine AR, VR, and ML.
Patricio’s helped build multiple web/mobile rendering engines; crafted high-end VR prototypes for FAANG companies; designed and implemented innovative complex Backend/Frontend CG architectures that combines state-of-the-art ML data pipelines with traditional rendering techniques. He’s also built and maintains numerous widely used open-source tools and libraries.